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C++ Inline Operator Overloading, refer to current object

So I only recently started using "Inline operator overloading" or whatever it's called...... Anyways!! How can I refer to the object I am calling the function from. Here's the code of interest:

class PlayingCard
    enum Suit {diamond, hearts, spades, clubs};
    Suit suit;
    enum Color {red, black};
    Color color;
    int value = -1;
    //Inline stuff

    //make card the same as c1
    inline operator=(const PlayingCard &c1) {
        suit = c1.suit;
        color = c1.color;
        value = c1.value;
        return true;

    inline operator%(PlayingCard &c1) {
        PlayingCard copy1;
        copy1 = c1;
        c1 = this;
        this = copy1;
        return true;

As you can see I have the class PlayingCard. The first inline operator works just as it should. If I have 2 PlayingCard: c1 and c2 with the private values of c2 being defined then c1 = c2 makes the private values of c1 equal to c2.

The second inline function is meant to swap the values between c1 and c2 by doing c1 % c2. As is shown in the code I was hoping to use "this" to refer to c1 but it doesn't work. Is there a way to refer to c1 in this function?

I know there are work-arounds which I'll be using in the meantime, but I'd rather use my original method and I feel like it would be helpful for future use as well.


  • There is no such an operator as <-> (that you later changed to % in the updated question) in C++. It seems you want to define a member function swap. But in any case you may not swap constant objects. So the parameter of the function should be a non-constant reference.

    Member functions defined in class definitions by default have the function specifier inline. So there is no need to explicitly specify it.

    The assignment operator should return a reference to the assigned object.

    Here you are.

    PlayingCard & operator =( const PlayingCard &c1 ) 
        if ( this != &c1 )
            suit  = c1.suit;
            color = c1.color;
            value = c1.value;
        return *this;
    void swap( PlayingCard &c1 ) 
        if ( this != &c1 )
            std::swap( suit, c1.suit );
            std::swap( color, c1.color );
            std::swap( value, c1.value );