I am trying to write a test case use in JavaScript with webdriverio (using appium server) for a native android app.
My test case requires me to log in the app, and after logging (which takes 3-4 seconds) I should click a button (element). I tried all of the WebDriverIO APIs like waitForDisplayed, isDisplayed(), non of them work, most the time the error message is that :
TypeError: client.element(...).waitForDisplayed is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test-auto-obi-copy.js:142:14)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)
at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:130:23)
Here is the WebDriverIO Documentation for waitForDisplayed https://webdriver.io/docs/api/element/waitForClickable.html
My code looks like this:
it("should press the profile button", function () {
return client
.element('android=new UiSelector().resourceId("com.example.dev:id/nav_graph_profile")')
.waitForDisplayed(undefined, true)
.click('android=new UiSelector().resourceId("com.example.dev:id/nav_graph_profile")')
.then( function() {
The login test completes succesfully, but after the LOG-IN button is pressed I want to make my test suite "sleep" until the next page loads, to achieve this I was trying to wait until this particular Profile button (element) becomes available, but it seems impossible to wait for it.
Can anyone suggest me what to do in this case, how can I wait?
WebDriverIO changed the names of some of their functions when moving from v4 -> v5 .waitForDisplayed()
was one of them, as seen in the changelogs.
There's a fair few functions that changed names slightly, so it's worth a look - Additionally, the Docs for v4 still exist though are a little harder to search - Here is the entry for .waitForVisible()
Also, by passing undefined
as the first parameter, your delay will only wait for the default 500ms
. You'll probably want something like this instead
.waitForDisplayed(5000, true)