I would like to handle Timeout error when effect make an Http Request.
Here's my effect
loadSchedulings$ = createEffect(() =>
mergeMap(() =>
map(trips => ({ type: ESchedulesActions.GetSchedulesByDateSuccess, payload: trips })),
catchError(err => {
return EMPTY;
Here's my getSchedulingService
getSchedulings() {
return this.http.get<ISchedules>(this.urlData).pipe(
map(data => {
return groupByDate;
catchError(error => of(`Request timed out`))
Actually no error is catched by catchError
inside my effect , however I send error inside my service function.
How to do that using rxjs operators ?
The way I see this is that you are going to catch the error in your getSchedulings() call and you never propagate this error, instead you return a new observable of it. try replacing the of with a throwError:
catchError(error => throwError(`Request timed out`))
which will then in turn be handled by your effect