Is it possible to use address-of operator alongside prefix increment on pointers in the same statement, if yes how?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void main() {
uint8_t arr_var[2];
arr_var[0] = 0xa;
arr_var[1] = 0xf;
uint8_t *ptr = arr_var;
uint8_t **dptr = &(++ptr);
Im getting the error
error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
uint8_t **dptr = &(++ptr);
Is there any other alternatives rather than making it 2 separate statements (increment (ptr++
) and then address-of (&ptr
It seems I was thrown off by one difference between C and C++...
In C the result of the increment or decerement operators is never an lvalue, and you can only get the addresses of lvalues.
This increment/decrement reference explicitly include the example &++a
and says it's invalid.
To get a pointer to ptr
you must use plain &ptr
. Before of after incrementing the pointer doesn't matter, as dptr
will be a pointer to ptr