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Is the r-value parameter really an l-value parameter inside the function scope?

I have found the following snippet in a code implementing a list class

    void push_front( const T & x ) { insert( begin( ), x ); }

    void push_front( T && x ) { insert( begin( ), std::move( x ) );}

Now I know that if I have a function taking a parameter as an r-value, that parameter will be l-value in the scope of the function (Isn't that right?).

So I can replace the previous snippet by

void push_front( const T & x ) { insert( begin( ), x ); }

void push_front( T && x ) { push_front( x );}

The first question: Am I right?

The second one: By considering that the r-value parameter in the first snippet is an l-value parameter inside the second function, Will std::move( x ) cast x from l-value to r-value and the function push_front() call the r-value version of the function insert() or what?

An edit::

This is how insert() is implemented

    iterator insert( iterator itr, const T & x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return { p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ x, p->prev, p } };

    iterator insert( iterator itr, T && x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return { p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ std::move( x ), p->prev, p } };

The definition of Node

struct Node
        T data;
        Node *prev;
        Node *next;

        Node( const T & d = T{ }, Node * p = nullptr,
        Node * n = nullptr )//It's possible because of const
        :data{ d }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }

        Node( T && d, Node * p = nullptr, Node * n = nullptr )
        : data{ std::move( d ) }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }


  • I have a function taking a parameter as an r-value, that parameter will be l-value in the scope of the function

    Yes. In general, all rvalue reference variables are lvalues, function parameters or not.

    So I can replace the previous snippet by ...

    Yes, but then push_front(T &&x) will copy x instead of moving it.

    Will std::move( x ) cast x from l-value to r-value and the function push_front()call the r-value version of the function insert()
