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Generic CQRS Query handler with custom return type

I am trying to build a generic query handler using the MediatR (v8) library. Lets jump to the code: First of all I have an abstract query class like this:

public abstract class Query<TQueryResult> : IRequest<TQueryResult>
    public Guid Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();

    public DateTime Timestamp { get; }

    protected Query()
        Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

From the corresponding query handler I would like to return a Result wrapper object, which looks as the following:

public class Result<T> 
    public T Payload { get;  }
    public string FailureReason { get;  }

    public bool IsSuccess => FailureReason == null;

    public Result(T payload)
        Payload = payload;

    public Result(string failureReason)
        FailureReason = failureReason;

    public static Result<T> Success(T payload)
        => new Result<T>(payload);

    public static Result<T> Failure(string reason)
        => new Result<T>(reason);

    public static implicit operator bool(Result<T> result) => result.IsSuccess;


And last but not least, lets see the query handler:

public abstract class AbstractQueryHandler<TQuery, TQueryResult, TResultValue> : IRequestHandler<TQuery, TQueryResult>
    where TQuery : Query<TQueryResult>
    where TQueryResult : class

    public Task<TQueryResult> Handle(TQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return HandleQuery(request);
        catch (Exception e)
            return Task.FromResult(Result<TResultValue>.Failure(GetFailureMessage(e)) as TQueryResult);

    public abstract Task<TQueryResult> HandleQuery(TQuery request);

    private static string GetFailureMessage(Exception e)
        return "There was an error while executing query: \r\n" + e.Message;

To be honest I am not pleased with this solution due to the three type parameters I have in the query handler. Let's see some corresponding tests to reveal my concerns regarding. First the test-helper objects:

public class ExampleDto 
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class BasicQuery : Query<Result<ExampleDto>>


public class BasicQueryHandler : AbstractQueryHandler<BasicQuery, Result<ExampleDto>, ExampleDto>
    public override Task<Result<ExampleDto>> HandleQuery(BasicQuery request)
        return Task.FromResult(Result<ExampleDto>.Success(new ExampleDto() { Name = "Result Name" }));

And then the test:

    public async Task GivenBasicQuery_whenHandle_thenSuccessResultWithPayload()
        var handler = new BasicQueryHandler();

        var result = await handler.Handle(new BasicQuery(), CancellationToken.None);

        Check.That(result.Payload.Name).IsEqualToValue("Result Name");

As you can see in the BasicQueryHandler there is some kind of duplication when declaring the three types, namely <BasicQuery, Result<ExampleDto>, ExampleDto>. It seems really fishy to me. I also tried many other possibilities, checking articles and SO questions/answers on the internet but could not come up with a cleaner solution with. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to reduce the number of type parameters (of query handler) to 2? Thanks in advance for you help!


  • Basically, I moved the Result<> from the type parameter in the class declaration to the method declaration. I also removed the interfaces for clarity (you didn't share the definitions anyway).

    public abstract class AbstractQueryHandler<TQuery, TQueryResult>
        where TQuery : Query<TQueryResult>
        where TQueryResult : class, new()
        public Task<Result<TQueryResult>> Handle(TQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return HandleQuery(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                return Task.FromResult(Result<TQueryResult>.Failure(new TQueryResult(), GetFailureMessage(e)));
        public abstract Task<Result<TQueryResult>> HandleQuery(TQuery request);
        private static string GetFailureMessage(Exception e)
            return "There was an error while executing query: \r\n" + e.Message;
    public class BasicQueryHandler : AbstractQueryHandler<BasicQuery, ExampleDto>
        public override Task<Result<ExampleDto>> HandleQuery(BasicQuery request)
            return Task.FromResult(Result<ExampleDto>.Success(new ExampleDto() { Name = "Result Name" }));

    Note that since you need to new up a TQueryResult in the exception path, the new() keyword had to be added to the generic constraint.