I want to create a static html website with a calendar entry download function, it should work on new browsers (no need for IE).
First I tried out this js lib to create a .ics
file: https://github.com/nwcell/ics.js - I couldn't get it to work...
Then I tried an adjusted fork, which I did get to create and download a file with: https://github.com/matthiasanderer/icsFormatter
I'm testing it on Windows 10 and it opened successfully in MS Outlook
but then I noticed the file didn't open in the Windows calendar app:
The error translates to something like: "The event couldn't be opened. Perhaps the calendar file is damaged."
In Safari on an iPhone an error also occurs when tapping the download button:
The error translates to something like: "Safari can not load this file."
I validated the generated .ics
file with this tool: http://ical-validator.herokuapp.com/validate/ , adjusted the JS code to eliminate almost all errors - and I don't know if this last error, that I don't know how to get rid of, is essential:
Specifying the charset in the MIME Content-Type is mandatory
I thought the MIME
type should not be the problem because it is defined in the JS-download function in this line:
window.open("data:text/calendar;charset=utf-8," + escape(calendar));
I also wonder why the download works fine in Chrome
but Firefox
(V.72) downloads the file with twice the file ending at the end: .ics.ics
And I wish I could give the file a name - but the only way that I found to do this was for .csv files in the bottom part of this answer and it didn't work - I think the encodeURI
function destroyed my linebreaks or something.
This is the content of my generated .ics file:
PRODID:-//test//cal_events/NONSGML v1.0//DE
DESCRIPTION:This is the description...
SUMMARY:Event Title
Looks like this question is similar...
Both you DTSTART and DTEND have a lower case z as suffix instead of capital Z
See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545#section-3.3.5
The date with UTC time, or absolute time, is identified by a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z suffix character, the UTC designator, appended to the time value.