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Control text positioning inside a select box (Select2, django-autocomplete-light)

I have a modelform in which i've added a taggitselect2 widget as part of django-autocomplete-light.

This looks up tags from taggablemanager to allow an autocompletion. The autocomplete is working fine - but the alignment of the text inside the select box is off. The text aligns with the bottom of the select box, leaving a big gap between the top of the tag and the top of the select box. Easier with a picture:

widgets = {
    'tags': autocomplete.TaggitSelect2(
            'data-placeholder': 'Start typing to autocomplete...',

 ....inside def __init__
    self.helper.layout = Layout(

I've tried looking at styling options - this is a bootstrap project so ideally i would like the same styling you get with data_role="tagsinput" but if i assign that to the widget i guess it overrides the custom part and i get some broken output.


  • Couldn't work out why the default rendering is so poorly formatted so as a workaround I've just overridden the css.

    On inspection, the selection elements have a 5px margin, enough to align them with the bottom. Hence applying the following in css:

        margin-top: 0px !important;

    'fixes' the problem. Without '!important' it gets overridden to 5px, so this is required.