I have an array of servers, which I display in the template using v-for. Using the vue-nats library, I subscribe each server to receive dynamic data.
methods: {
subscribe(uuid) {
this.$nats.subscribe('report.' + uuid, (msg) => {
this.serversDetailedInfo = Object.assign({}, this.serversDetailedInfo, msg)
The data comes in and I put it in the object: serversDetailedInfo. In msg I get objects:
Object { server_uuid: "OTgxYWZlNDctMWE4Zi", ram: {…}, hdd: {…}, tstamp: " " }
Object { server_uuid: "ZjhlNDY2MjQtYjRiZi", ram: {…}, hdd: {…}, tstamp: " " }
But when I display this data in the template, I get not a list of data for each server, but only data for one server - new data overwrites old data. How I can dispaly data in template for each server? Thank you inadvance.
it is maybe because object keys are the same. It will override the existing data.
var data = {
let c = Object.assign({},data,{a:"shashank1",
{a: "shashank1", b: "gupta1"}
"c" has been overide. instead of a object , create an array of object then push the data when data is coming from new server