I'm trying to do a simple thing(at least for common frameworks) using Luminus and Selmer template but I can’t find a way to do it. I would like just to pass values to the base template, something like this:
file: home.html
{% extends "base.html" {:user {{ user }} } %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
I know that we can do it using render a file, like this
(render-file "html/base.html" {:user user})
But it not looks right, it looks like a weird workaround.
My idea actually is to make some global variables to access anywhere of application like user session, but I didn’t find it in luminus documentation
Well, even when Selmer is cool, most of the web culture in Clojure turns around Hiccup as the template generator. You will use Hiccup with ClojureScript (Reagent - Re-frame) and that is another reason to switch to it. Probably you already have Hiccup installed, check it with:
lein deps :tree | grep hiccup
You will need to create a layout like this one. And uses it in a "controller" like this to build your HTML view.