In this question I'm looking for the cleanest possible solution for the problem below, along with urging the browsers' coders to catch up with the spec, especially :dir()
The problem and it's current best known to me solution:
I'd like to style the image below based on directionality, flipping it, for example, when in RTL mode. The image resides in a shadow DOM. As of now, I'm achieving that with the styling below.
.directed-image:dir(rtl) { transform: rotateY(180deg); } -- Firefox only as of now
:host-context([dir=rtl]) { transform: rotateY(180deg); } -- Chromium only as of now
<img class="directed-image" src="..." />
Issues yet to be solved:
pseudo class and it's people seems to have a strong objection to :host-context()
Solutions ?:
The best I'd wish to have is that :dir()
will get wide cross browser support - it'll solve the Safari's issue as well as would provide a truly directionality context aware styling (downsides of [dir=ltr]
are touched a bit in the WebKit's bug link above).
But given that
is staled from 2018:dir()
last touched at 2016!!!:host-context()
is staled from 2018 with some concerns about the spec:host-context()
-- having all this: is there any other solution for the problem (looking to solve the Safari issue at first priority).
JS based solutions are interesting but much less preferred.
january 2020 answer:
As you said: the dir
attribute on the body
tag will (in most cases) be the only indication of a language change. Since CSS doesn't cascade (yet; as you said) the only option for now is for Elements to observe that attribute change. So I fear your only option is a MutationObserver (in the elements you own)
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const config = { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false };