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Fetching MongoDB documents where all array elements are NOT between a range of dates

I'm learning Springboot and MongoDB.

I have this model class:

@Document(collection = "accommodations")
public class Accommodation {

    private String accommodationId;
    private String title;
    private double pricePerNight;
    private int guests;
    private double rating;
    private AccommodationType type;
    private String description;
    private boolean listed;
    private Address address;
    private Landlord landlord;
    private List<Image> images;
    private List<Review> reviews;
    private List<Booking> bookings;

    public Accommodation(String title, double pricePerNight, int guests, AccommodationType type, String description, Address address, Landlord landlord) {
        this.title = title;
        this.pricePerNight = pricePerNight;
        this.guests = guests;
        this.type = type;
        this.description = description;
        this.listed = true;
        this.address = address;
        this.landlord = landlord;
        this.rating = 0.0;
        this.images = new ArrayList<>(); = new ArrayList<>();
        this.bookings = new ArrayList<>();

    public boolean isAvailableBetween(LocalDate checkin, LocalDate checkout) {
        return this.bookings
                .noneMatch(b -> (b.getCheckin().isBefore(checkout) || b.getCheckin().isEqual(checkout)) &&
                        (b.getCheckout().isAfter(checkin)) || b.getCheckout().isEqual(checkin));


I'm currently using the method "isAvailableBetween" to filter accommodations that are already booked in a certain range of dates (checkin and checkout).

I would like to achieve the same through a Mongo query, but can't figure out how.

This is what I've tried so far (ignore the other filters in the query):

public interface AccommodationRepository extends MongoRepository<Accommodation, String>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Accommodation> {    

    @Query("{" +
            "$and: [" +
                "{listed:true}," +
                "{pricePerNight:{$lte:?0}}," +
                "{guests:{$gte:?1}}," +
                "{rating:{$gte:?2}}," +
                "{'landlord.trusted':?3}," +
                "{bookings:{$not:{$elemMatch:{checkin:{$lte:?5},checkout:{$gte:?4}}}}}" +
            "]" +
    Page<Accommodation> findAccommodationsByFilter(Pageable pageable,
                                                   Double pricePerNight,
                                                   Integer guests,
                                                   Double rating,
                                                   Boolean trusted,
                                                   LocalDate checkin,
                                                   LocalDate checkout


Also tried using QueryDSL & Mongo Criterias with Spring Data MongoDB, but couldn't figure out a way to get the same result as the "isAvailableBetween".

Does anyone know how to do this?


  • After studying Mongo Criterias further, I found a solution!

    public Page<Accommodation> findAccommodationsByFilter(AccommodationFilter filter, Pageable pageable) {
        Criteria listedTrue = where("listed").is(true);
        Query query = query(listedTrue);
        if(filter.checkout().isPresent() && filter.checkin().isPresent()){
            Criteria c = where("bookings")
        long total = this.mongoOperations.count(query, Accommodation.class);
        List<Accommodation> accommodations = this.mongoOperations.find(query, Accommodation.class);
        return new PageImpl<>(accommodations, pageable, total);

    This achieves the same as the @Query with the added advantage that the parameters can be optional.