I want to create a JSF application. In the application the user will search for the user records from the database and set the values in the form, and then submit the form. I have a small issue where I need to enable / disable based on the null value for p:inputText
This way the user will be able to enter values if no value is set into the field. How this can be implemented?
<p:inputText id="firstName" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.firstName}"/>
<p:inputText id="lastName" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.lastName}"/>
<p:inputText id="age" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.age}"/>
Mark XYZ 45
Sav NULL 23
NULL Jones 33
If we set the second row then p:inputText for first name is disabled, p:inputText for last name is enabled, p:inputText for age is disabled. If we set the third row then p:inputText for first name is enabled, p:inputText for last name is disabled, p:inputText for age is disabled
What I have tried
Using a readonly="true" did not work as I need to enter the p:inputText if a null value is set for it.
<p:inputText id="lastName" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.lastName}" disabled="{!check}"/>
public Boolean check{set;}
Let me know if any clarifications are required,
You can use power of Java EE EL (Expression Language).
In your case, following declarations will generate disabled p:inputText
if value of lastName is not null
<p:inputText id="lastName" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.lastName}"
disabled=#{not empty javaMB.infoEntity.lastName}/>
<p:inputText id="lastName" value="#{javaMB.infoEntity.lastName}"
disabled=#{javaMB.infoEntity.lastName != null}/>