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Persisting spacial (Point) properties from Neo4j using java ogm

I have a neo4j database, and one of the nodes in the database has the following:

<id>:91671 coordinates: point({srid:7203, x:-4.327197062, y:52.03857589}) description: "home"

I am trying to make a model of this in java - so:

import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.GeneratedValue;
import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.NodeEntity;
import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.Property;
import org.neo4j.ogm.types.spatial.CartesianPoint2d;

@NodeEntity (label="Location")
public class Location
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Long id;

    public Long getId() 
        return id;

    String description;

    CartesianPoint2d coordinates; // problem is here      

When I try to use ogm to map the node into the object, I get the following error:

org.neo4j.ogm.exception.core.InvalidPropertyFieldException: 'Location#coordinates' is not persistable as property but has not been marked as transient.

I have tried various other types for coordinates, and have also tried to use a converter (based on the ogm documentation - see 3.10.2); but each time I get an error.

What is the correct way to do this mapping between a neo4j Point of srid 7203, and a type in java? Why does it say that it's not persistable, and what's my alternatives?

note: I am aware that my Points should probably be srid 4326 as I'm talking about latitudes and longitudes - I'm not sure why they're not - but let's solve the problem as-is for now


  • Please make sure you enabled the native types in ogm properties as


    or in configuration builder

    Configuration configuration = new Configuration.Builder()
            .useNativeTypes()   //this enables using the spatial and temporal data 
            .build()            //  types in ogm 

    and in your pojo use CartesianPoint2d/CartesianPoint3d or GeographicPoint2d/GeographicPoint3d depending on the data type you have in graph.

    CartesianPoint2d coordinates;