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Create Account Button is always going to browser logged in gmail account. How can it will always ask google for permission?

Project Scenario:

In project Landing page, click on Create New Account --> Set same account which was configured earlier .


Redirected to Landing page rather providing any validation message

If you login using first email So it is logged in. So your browser is synced with this gmail account now.

Now, you are going to Create New Account for new email like After clicking, it will go to "Landing Page" again and showing Because your browser is already synced with first logged in account

Working Area:

You need to logout after adding new account for removing browser sync.

Code snapshot is given below:

private GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow authFlow;
HttpServletResponse response;

GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url = authFlow.newAuthorizationUrl();
String redirectURL = url.setRedirectUri(CALLBACK_URI).setAccessType("offline").build();


Is there any other way to always ask google permission window?


  • I have fixed the issue adding 'setApprovalPrompt("force")' in url.

    String redirectURL = url.setRedirectUri(CALLBACK_URI).setAccessType("offline").setApprovalPrompt("force").build();

    I have go through GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl class documentation. There I have got an option of setting approval prompt.

    i) null --> By default

    ii) auto --> request to auto-approval

    iii) force - to force the approval UI to show.

    Related Documentation is given below:

       * Sets the approval prompt behavior ({@code "auto"} to request auto-approval or {@code "force"}
       * to force the approval UI to show) or {@code null} for the default behavior of {@code "auto"}.
       * <p>
       * Overriding is only supported for the purpose of calling the super implementation and changing
       * the return type, but nothing else.
       * </p>
      public GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl setApprovalPrompt(String approvalPrompt) {
        this.approvalPrompt = approvalPrompt;
        return this;