Search code examples

Long value is always null while using RestTemplate in Spring Boot

I am trying to parse this json

    "total_count": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 50,
    "notifications": [

            "isEdge": false,
            "large_icon": "",
            "priority": 10,
            "queued_at": 1579590097,
            "remaining": 0,
            "send_after": 1579590097,
            "completed_at": 1579590110,
            "small_icon": "",
            "successful": 1,
            "received": 1,
            "tags": null,
            "filters": null,
            "template_id": null,
            "ttl": null,
            "url": "",
            "contents": {
                "en": "MoMo House presents MoMo eating competition. Come join us on Jan 26th 
                      for the biggest MoMo eating competition ever."
            "web_url": null,
            "app_url": null,
            "web_buttons": null,
            "web_push_topic": null,
            "wp_sound": "",
            "wp_wns_sound": "",
            "ios_attachments": null

This is my code to parse it

public ResponseEntity<HashMap<String,List<Notification>>> getAllNotifications(){
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
        HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>("body", httpHeaders);
        ResponseEntity<OneSignalResponse> oneSignalResponseResponseEntity =, HttpMethod.GET,entity,OneSignalResponse.class);
        OneSignalResponse oneSignalResponse=oneSignalResponseResponseEntity.getBody();

        System.out.println("Title "+oneSignalResponse.getNotifications().get(0).getHeadings().getEn());

        List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
        for(NotificationsItem oneSig : oneSignalResponse.getNotifications()){
            Notification notification = new Notification();

            System.out.println("value of sent time "+oneSig.getCompletedAt()); //this is null
            Date date = new Date(sentTime);


        HashMap<String,List<Notification>> hashMap = new HashMap<>();

        return new ResponseEntity<>(hashMap, HttpStatus.OK);


And this is my POJO

public class NotificationsItem{

    private boolean isEdge;

    private String delayedOption;

    private int queuedAt;

    private int failed;

    private int priority;

    private int remaining;

    private Object tags;

    private boolean canceled;

    private String chromeIcon;

    private Object completedAt;

    private boolean isWP;

    private int sendAfter;

    private String admSound;

    private String chromeWebImage;

    private Contents contents;

    private int converted;

    private int androidVisibility;

    private Headings headings;

    private String admGroup;

    private String chromeWebBadge;

    private SpokenText spokenText;

    private int iosBadgeCount;

    private boolean isChrome;

    private Object alexaSsml;

    private Object alexaDisplayTitle;

    private String androidAccentColor;

    private String androidGroup;

    private Object includeExternalUserIds;

    private boolean isAdm;

    private int successful;

    private Object webPushTopic;

    private String admLargeIcon;

    private boolean contentAvailable;

    private String admSmallIcon;

    private Object buttons;

    private Object appUrl;

    private String iosBadgeType;

    private String deliveryTimeOfDay;

    private String largeIcon;

    private String bigPicture;

    private Object filters;

    private Object ttl;

    private String url;

    private Object includePlayerIds;

    private String androidLedColor;

    private boolean isWPWNS;

    private Object webUrl;

    private AdmGroupMessage admGroupMessage;

    private String admBigPicture;

    private String smallIcon;

    private Object templateId;

    private Object webButtons;

    private boolean isAndroid;

    private boolean isIos;

    private int errored;
    //getters setters

As the json is large I have included only those that matters and the POJO might not be accordingly here.

So when I call the method, I get the value of contents but I get null when I try to get completedAt this is shown as comment in the code too. So I am able to parse some parts perfectly but I am not able to parse some. I don't know what I am doing wrong so any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks


  • @SerializedName is a Gson annotation. Spring normally uses Jackson. The Jackson annotation for this would be @JsonProperty("name").