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Auto generate css variables by SASS function

I want to ask how I can auto-generate css variable by sass function

for example: I want this variable to auto-generate


SASS function:

@function brand($key,$val) {
 //this not works  
@return val(--#{$val});}

use the brand function



  • I achieved something similar, here is the idea.

    $spacing: (
      none: none,
      01: 4px,
      02: 8px,
      03: 16px,
      04: 24px,
      05: 32px,
      06: 40px,
      07: 48px,
      08: 56px,
      09: 64px,
      10: 72px,
      11: 80px,
      12: 88px,
      13: 96px
    :root {
      // SPACING Custom Properties
      @each $space, $value in $spacing {
        --spacing-#{$space}: #{$value};