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create density raster and extract sum by polygon feature

I have a polygon (zones) and a set of coordinates (points). I'd like to create a spatial kernal density raster for the entire polygon and extract the sum of the density by zone. Points outside of the polygon should be discarded.


# alternatively, links to gists for each object

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = zones) +
  geom_sf(data = points) +

enter image description here

I tried converting to ppp with {spatstat} and then using density(), but I'm confused by the units in the result. I believe the problem is related to the units of the map, but I'm not sure how to proceed.


Here's the code to reproduce the density map I created:

zones_owin <- as.owin(as_Spatial(zones))
pts <- st_coordinates(points)
p <- ppp(pts[,1], pts[,2], window=zones_owin, unitname=c("metre","metres"))
ds <- density(p) 
r <- raster(ds)

enter image description here


  • Units are difficult when you work directly with geographic coordinates (lon, lat). If possible you should convert to planar coordinates (which is a requirement for spatstat) and proceed from there. The planar coordinates would typically be in units of meters, but I guess it depends on the specific projection and underlying ellipsoid etc. You can see this answer for how to project to planar coordinates with sf and export to spatstat format using maptools. Note: You have to manually choose a sensible projection (you can use to find one) and you have to project both the polygon and the points.

    Once everything is in spatstat format you can use density.ppp to do kernel smoothing. The resulting grid values (object of class im) are intensities of points, i.e., number of points per square unit (e.g. square meter). If you want to aggregate over some region you can use, domain = ...) to get the expected number of points in this region for a point process model with the given intensity.