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Implement logic to show only one button

I'm trying to implement a JSTL logic which displayed submit buttons based on the following logic:

            <!--  if it's demo mode skip every limit check, if not check them -->
            <c:when test="#{dashboard.demoMode == 'false'}">
                    <c:when test="#{dashboard.allowedTrades == 0}">
                           <h:commandButton id="buyx" x:data-toggle="modal" x:data-target="#hitsModal" />    

                    <c:when test="#{dashboard.currentBalance == 0}">
                           <h:commandButton id="buyz" x:data-toggle="modal" x:data-target="#chargeModal" />

                   <h:commandButton id="buy" action="#{dashboard.calculateProcessing}" />

But unfortunately I get 2 buttons - buyx buyz. These buttons are displayed together. Only one button should be displayed.

Is there some way to implement the code in a way to display just one button at a time?


  • Is there some way to implement the code in a way to display just one button at a time?

    Yes there is, by not using the jstl c:when in a weird nested way but wrapping the inner ones in a c:choose or changing them to c:if's.

    Off-topic the commandButtons in them look weird.