I've read quite a lot of documentation about Webpush, and so far I've understood that push subscription should have a read-only propery expirationTime
. Also, I understand how should I react if the browser decides that subscription is outdated (handle event in service worker, etc.). But is it possible to somehow set expiration date manually, without implementing complex client side logic? I guess that this is an ordinary problem for apps that have authentification.
My problem is that if user gets logged out automatically, webpush endpoint stays valid. I know multiple ways this can be solved with workarounds, but I guess that's not the optimal way for a relatively basic problem.
It's been a long time ago that I've fixed this, but I guess sharing my solution can be helpful.
The solution was to make a HTTP request from service worker to the app using fetch('/path')
, because all cookies from the app are also attached to requests made from SW.
So, if user is not logged in, you are redirected to login page.
My code:
fetch('/path', {method: 'GET', redirect:'error'}).then(function(result) {
... //some code specific for my app
}).catch(function(e) {
registration.unregister(); //error on redirect to login