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ClassCastException in Spring IntegrationFlow Implementation

I currently have an IntegrationFlow implementation that utilizes a Service class to implement all desired functionality to be performed by the flow. Something like this...

public class FlowService {

    public Message<String> removeLineFeeds(Message<String> message) {
        return MessageBuilder
                .withPayload(StringUtils.remove(message.getPayload(), StringUtils.LF))


public class FlowConfiguration {

    private FlowService flowService;

    public IntegrationFlow flow() {
        return IntegrationFlows
                .transform(flowService, "removeLineFeeds")

The above implementation works exactly as desired but I was hoping to improve/modify the implementation to utilize the power of Java 8/Lambdas so that it looked something like this...

public IntegrationFlow flow() {
    return IntegrationFlows

Unfortunately, when implemented this way, the flow will throw a ClassCastException whenever it processes a message. I have tried a few of the different proposed solutions that exist online currently but none of them seem to do the trick. I am encountering a similar issue regardless of the IntegrationFlow method used (transform, filter, etc.).

What needs to be changed with the current implementation to allow the use of flowService::removeLineFeeds within the IntegrationFlow methods?


It appears a simple converter in the IntegrationFlow did the trick. My current implementation seemed to be passing the message as a Message<byte[]> instead of the Message<String> I was expecting. See Artem's full response below for more details.

public IntegrationFlow flow() {
    return IntegrationFlows


  • The point is that lambda must correspond to some functional interface. In case of transform() it is a GenericTransformer<S, T>. Indeed your Message<String> removeLineFeeds(Message<String> message) satisfies such a contract. And it would work well if you deal with only payload:

    public String removeLineFeeds(String message) {
        return StringUtils.remove(message.getPayload(), StringUtils.LF);

    Just because when all the generic information from the target implementation is erased at runtime we can't guess you would like to deal with the whole Message<?>, so the framework only propagates to your lambda only a payload. That how your String cannot be cast to Message, therefore a ClassCastException.

    To fix the problem and mock Java generics system we suggest an overloaded method with an explicit expected type:

     * Populate the {@link MessageTransformingHandler} instance for the provided
     * {@link GenericTransformer} for the specific {@code payloadType} to convert at
     * runtime.
     * @param payloadType the {@link Class} for expected payload type. It can also be
     * {@code Message.class} if you wish to access the entire message in the transformer.
     * Conversion to this type will be attempted, if necessary.
     * @param genericTransformer the {@link GenericTransformer} to populate.
     * @param <P> the payload type - 'transform from' or {@code Message.class}.
     * @param <T> the target type - 'transform to'.
     * @return the current {@link BaseIntegrationFlowDefinition}.
     * @see MethodInvokingTransformer
     * @see LambdaMessageProcessor
    public <P, T> B transform(Class<P> payloadType, GenericTransformer<P, T> genericTransformer) {

    So, your configuration should look like this:

    .transform(Message.class, flowService::removeLineFeeds)

    This way we say the framework that we would like to get a whole message for our function to process.

    Anyway I'd prefer the first variant just with a payload: the framework will take care for you about coping request headers into a reply message.

    See more info in Docs: