I'm working on data cleaning on a Google sheet, there're 10,000 rows containing the US cell phone numbers in different formats.
For example,
I hope to convert them all to the format below with no country code, etc.
Due to the large amout of data, I'm not sure Google sheet has similar function to convert them all, I'm thinking to download them to an excel file:
I need a few ideas on this topic brothers.
This site provides state area codes as well as district codes via html links. You could go through the painstaking process of defining a matrix of states/districts to area codes with excel or a text document. This matrix should also include any abbreviations or contractions of the state/district name.
Or you could try using a web crawler API to automate the process for you, even looking for a dataset that already contains the above mentioned information would go a long way.
Then write a function to evaluate the address against the matrix and then edit the number so that the area code is prefixed to the number.