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convert zip file stream into a file on disk

i have a Node application (called MiddleOne) from which I hit my other Node App (called BiServer). the BiServer has only 1 route as follows

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  const file = `./`;

"MiddleOne" App sends request to "BiServer" and gets the file(a .zip file containing a single .json file) however i am not able to reconstruct and save that .zip file on my "MiddleOne" server .

    .get("BiServer:3009", resp => {
      let data = "";

      resp.on("data", chunk => {
        data += chunk;

      resp.on("end", () => {

        fs.writeFile("./", data, err => {
          console.log(err ? "Error: " + err : "File saved");
          return res.send("file is saved on server");
    .on("error", err => {
      console.log("Error: " + err.message);

the data object above has following content:

�T6P    zipFiles/PK�T6P�E8FIzipFiles/zipFiles.json����R*K-*���S�RP�s
�T6P    $zipFiles/
 �c�����c����&�8����PK�T6P�E8FI$ 'zipFiles/zipFiles.json

on opening the newly created file error comes that the "file is corrupted" . how can i reconstruct the zip file on receiving response from other server ?


  • writeFile is used to write into a file, In your case, you are saving data as a string. Having a zip extension to a file doesn't guarantee it to be a zip file. You are actually writing string(unreadable chunks) to a file hence you are not getting an unreadable text file instead of a zip file. Try converting the chunks into a buffer, this should work:

        .get("BiServer:3009", resp => {
          let chunks = [];
          resp.on("data", chunk => {
         //Don't use end, close is the last event and you should always cleanup in this
          resp.on("close", () => {
            fs.writeFile("./", Buffer.concat(chunks), err => {
              console.log(err ? "Error: " + err : "File saved");
              return res.send("file is saved on server");
        .on("error", err => {
          console.log("Error: " + err.message);

    Also, it will consume much memory as you are loading all data into memory before writing into a file and if the file size is very large you will face memory-related issues. So instead of saving the whole file in memory. you should try streams, Try this :

    const fs=require("fs");
        .get("BiServer:3009", resp => {
          const fileWriteStream=fs.createWriteStream("");
          resp.on("close", () => {
            Console.log("File written successfully.")
        .on("error", err => {
          console.log("Error: " + err.message);