I couldn't get the use of Class or Struct using a C++ Set. I searched on the internet and stackoverflow, but i couldn't find a sample. Classically, it seems impossible to find samples other than int and string samples, as a result of my calls. I wish a friend to help.
Thanks to the friends who will respond.
using namespace std;
struct DemoData
int id;
string Pairs;
double Price;
int main()
DemoData myDemoDara ;
myDemoDara.id = 1; myDemoDara.Pairs = "GBPJPY"; myDemoDara.Price = 9.34;
set<DemoData> setVeri ; //**It gives errors during compilation.**
return 0;
You will have to provide a custom operator <
for your struct DemoData
struct DemoData
int id;
string Pairs;
double Price;
bool operator < (const DemoData& other) const {
return std::tie( id, Pairs, Price) <
std::tie( other.id, other.Pairs, other.Price) ;