Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.x here. I have a RESTful resource that will kick off a long-running operation, potentially taking 15 - 20 minutes to complete in some cases. I think I want to leverage the @Async
annotation here in the service-layer, but I'm open to any good, elegant Spring Boot-savvy solution!
My best attempt thus far:
@RequestMapping(path = "/v1/fizzbuzzes")
public class FizzbuzzResource {
private FizzbuzzService fizzbuzzService;
private FizzbuzzRepository fizzbuzzRepository;
private List<String> fizzbuzzList;
public ResponseEntity<Void> runFizzbuzzOperations(@PathVariable String fizzbuzzId)
throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
ResponseEntity responseEntity;
// verify the fizzbuzzId is valid -- if it is, we process it
Optional<Fizzbuzz> fbOpt = fizzbuzzRepository.lookupMorph(fizzbuzzId);
if (fbOpt.isPresent()) {
CompletableFuture<Void> future = fizzbuzzService.runAsync(fbOpt.get());
// TODO: need help here
// TODO: decrement the list once the async has completed -- ONLY do once async has finished
// return success immediately (dont wait for the async processing)
responseEntity = ResponseEntity.ok().build();
} else {
responseEntity = ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
return responseEntity;
public class FizzbuzzService {
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAsync(Fizzbuzz fizzbuzz) {
// do something that can take 15 - 20 mins to complete
// it actually is writing a massive amount of data to the file system
// so there's nothing to really "return" so we just return null (?)
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
I think I'm close, but I'm struggling with:
in such a way that it actually runs asynchronously, and so that the ResponseEntity.ok().build()
underneath it runs immediately, instead of waiting the ~15 minutes like it would have to otherwise; andfizzbuzzList.remove(...)
as soon as the async service method completes (again, some 15 - 20 mins later), but no sooner!; andCan anyone spot where I'm going awry?