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Is it possible to exclude certain columns when copying an entire row in VBA?

I am currently copying a certain rows depending if they contain a certain value. However, I actually only want to copy some of the columns rather then the entire row. What is the simplest way of doing this? MY current code:

Sub output()

Dim i, Lastrow As Long

Lastrow = Sheets("Dec").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'Looping from tenth row to last row

For i = 7 To Lastrow

If Sheets("Dec").Cells(i, "AQ").Value = "Shortage" Or Sheets("Dec").Cells(i, "AQ").Value = "Customer" Then
    Sheets("Dec").Cells(i, "AQ").EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Action").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)

End If
Next i


End Sub


  • You can use the Union function to unions at least two ranges or cells enter image description here

    Private Const column1 As String = "A"
    Private Const column3 As String = "C"
    Private Const column5 As String = "E"
    Private Const column7 As String = "G"
    Sub Button1_Click()
        Dim i As Long
        Dim unionRange As Range
        Dim rangeSelection As String
        i = 1
        rangeSelection = column5 & i & ":" & column7 & i
        Set unionRange = Union(Cells(i, column1), Cells(i, column3), Range(rangeSelection))
        Range(column1 & "2").PasteSpecial    
    End Sub