I'm building a workout logging application that allows the user to add a movement, number of reps, and the associated weight while the userform is running. (You can also think of it as "order-picking" eg. "3" "red" "pencils", "2" "blue" "markers", etc.)
The code adds the two textboxes and the combo box when the "+" button is clicked.
When the "-" button is clicked, only the last added group of controls will be deleted but if the "-" button is clicked again I'll get the "Catastrophic Failure" error message.
I'm pretty sure these controls need to be deleted using controls.remove (object).name
but once that last group is deleted, I'll need to update the object variable to the next group that could be removed which I'm struggling with.
I found similar questions on here with answers, but those deleted all userform controls. I only want to remove the last group added.
Option Explicit
Public movementCounter As Integer
Public repsTextBox As Object
Public movementComboBox As Object
Public weightTextBox As Object
Public cntrlsColl As Collection
Private Sub addMvmtCmndButt_Click()
movementCounter = movementCounter + 1
Set repsTextBox = Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
Set movementComboBox = Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
Set weightTextBox = Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
With repsTextBox
.Name = "RepsTextBox" & movementCounter
.Height = 18
.Width = 45
.Left = 10
.Top = 30 * (movementCounter - 1) + 5
End With
With movementComboBox
.Name = "MovementComboBox" & movementCounter
.Height = 18
.Width = 90
.Left = 65
.Top = 30 * (movementCounter - 1) + 5
.RowSource = listsSht.Range("movementList").Address
End With
With weightTextBox
.Name = "WeightTextBox" & movementCounter
.Height = 18
.Width = 45
.Left = 165
.Top = 30 * (movementCounter - 1) + 5
End With
End Sub
Private Sub deleteMvmtCmndButt_Click()
'Works, but only for the most recently added group of controls
With Me.Controls
.Remove repsTextBox.Name
.Remove movementComboBox.Name
.Remove weightTextBox.Name
End With
'update what the next group of controls will be on-deck
' If movementCounter > 0 Then
' repsTextBox.Name = "RepsTextBox" & movementCounter
' movementComboBox.Name = "MovementComboBox" & movementCounter
' weightTextBox.Name = "WeightTextBox" & movementCounter
' End If
End Sub
Try the following code...
Private Sub deleteMvmtCmndButt_Click()
If movementCounter > 0 Then
With Me.Controls
.Remove "RepsTextBox" & movementCounter
.Remove "MovementComboBox" & movementCounter
.Remove "WeightTextBox" & movementCounter
End With
movementCounter = movementCounter - 1
End If
End Sub
Hope this helps!