In Google Sheets I have a 2D array, with unpredictable size, returned by a Query:
08-02-2020 | Red
10-02-2020 | Brown
12-02-2020 | Green
Now I'd like to add a third column containing the constant "Golf" to the array. For instance:
08-02-2020 | Red | Golf
10-02-2020 | Brown | Golf
12-02-2020 | Green | Golf
Is there a way to add a column to the initial array? Could not tame this with arrayformula...
current query:
=query(transpose(query(transpose(query(transpose(query(A1:11)),"select * where Col1 > 0")),"select * where Col1 <> ''",1)),"select * where Col2 > 0")
"where Col1 > 0")),
"where Col1 <> ''", 1)),
"where Col1 > 0")), "where Col1 <> ''", 1)),
"where Col2 > 0"))))), "'Golf'")&" where Col2 > 0"))