I want to automate a process and i have working with python, selenium and vba. My process starts with a downloaded file from SQL server with python and selenium, later with vba, I transform the file and i apply a lot of formulas. When i finish, i save the file in xlsx format on a google drive folder with google File Stream. When the file is save on the folder, with google script i send a mail with the file's url. The final objetive of all this, it's that the users will put observations on de xlsx in the google drive folder, but on this format i don't have a way to change the file on collaborative way. There's a method to save an excel file on gsheet format with MS excel or automate the transformation of the xlsx to gsheet and later send the email with the new file's url? Greetings!
See a sample under Import to Google Docs types.
You just need to change the mimeType from 'text/csv'
to application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
or similar, depending on the extension of your Excel file.
PS: Since you tagged your question with google-apps-script
: In Google Apps Script you can do the conversion as here.