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Unable to display background image in email

I have a .tpl template to which I feed data and is sent through email to consumer, but in email I'm not getting background image, though I have debugged the request and got html going in sendEmail function, saved that in an html file and that is showing the background image but not in email. I am using SMPT of send grid for sending mails. here is css where I'm setting background image:

body {
        background-image: url('');
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: cover;
        background-position: bottom center;

does it has to do something sendgrid's SMTP Server? or I am doing something wrong?


  • Email clients are kinda tricky when it comes to styling and displaying things. More "ancient" methods have to be used You could try as a fallback along with your inline css, the following:

    background="URL" width="yourWidth" height="yourHeight" valign="top/bottom"