I'm using Elm with mdgriffiths/elm-ui, and I've really been enjoying it. Right now, I'm trying to create a centered, wrapped row of elements:
I can get it to this point:
using this code:
button : String -> String -> Element Msg
button label url =
[ height (px 150)
, width (px 150)
, Border.width 1
, Background.color (rgb255 255 255 255)
{ url = url
, label =
[ Font.center ]
[ textEl [] label ]
row : Element Msg
row =
[ Element.spacing 25
, Element.centerX
, Element.centerY
, width (fill |> Element.maximum 600)
, Font.center
[ button "A" "/a"
, button "B" "/b"
, button "C" "/c"
, button "D" "/d"
But when I try adding Element.centerX to my buttons like this
[ Element.centerX
, ...
I get this instead:
I've also tried Font.center
without success, and I don't know what else I can try.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something I should be using, or if the whole thing needs re-arranging, or if I just need to use the built-in CSS stuff.
Link to an Ellie with the issues I'm seeing.
This Github issue is useful for this problem. I'm afraid you will have to use some CSS (unless I'm missing something). I've found this before with elm-ui; every now and then it can't quite do what you want and you need a bit of CSS.
This works for me (taken from the post by AlienKevin in the link above). You need to set "marginLeft" and "marginRight" to "auto".
module Main exposing (main)
import Element as E
import Element.Border
import Html.Attributes
box : String -> E.Element msg
box label =
[ E.width <| E.px 200
, Element.Border.width 1
, E.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "marginLeft" "auto")
, E.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "marginRight" "auto")
[ E.text label ]
row : E.Element msg
row =
E.wrappedRow []
[ box "A"
, box "B"
, box "C"
main =
E.layout [] row
(See here for an Ellie.)