I've managed patch the entry point of an ELF file and made it point to some place else and execute a piece of code before returning to the original entry point. The following is how I'm trying to jump back to the OEP:
mov rax, 0x4141414141414141 ( 48 b8 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 )
jmp rax (ff e0)
I have an array with these opcodes which I patch as soon as I parse the ELF header to get the entry point:
uint64_t oep = ehdr->e_entry;
memcpy(&opcode[23], &oep, 8);
But the entry point is always something like: 0x47fe8d which invalidates the rest of the array since the opcode is expecting an 8 byte address without zeros. I tried to replace it by sign extending the address like: 0xffffffff47fe8d but it didn't work. This appears to be normal behavior since x86 addresses are zero-extended.
EDIT: The shellcode array looks like this:
xor rax, rax
xor rax, rax
xor rsi, rsi
jmp get_str
pop rsi
mov al, 1
mov dil, 1
mov dl, 9
syscall ; writes a string
mov rax, 0x4141414141414141 ; patched with the EP
jmp rax
call shellcode
db "strings!", 0xa
// write syscall + jmp OEP (mov rax, addr, jmp rax). patch at 23
unsigned char shellcode[] = "\x48\x31\xc0\x48\x31\xff\x48\x31\xf6\xeb"
I made a function which prints this array before patching it. Here's what it looks like:
But after patching the jmp instruction with 0x47fe8d the higher bytes of the address become zero:
And this for some reason causes a segmentation fault. I used IDA to search for the entry point of the patched file and here's what I found:
LOAD:000000000047FE8D start: ; DATA XREF: LOAD:0000000000400018↑o
LOAD:000000000047FE8D xor rax, rax
LOAD:000000000047FE90 xor rdi, rdi
LOAD:000000000047FE93 xor rsi, rsi
LOAD:000000000047FE96 loc_47FE96: ; CODE XREF: LOAD:000000000047FEAC↓j
LOAD:000000000047FE96 jmp short loc_47FEAE
LOAD:000000000047FE98 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:000000000047FE98 pop rsi
LOAD:000000000047FE99 mov al, 1
LOAD:000000000047FE9B mov dil, 1
LOAD:000000000047FE9E mov dl, 9
LOAD:000000000047FEA0 syscall ; $!
LOAD:000000000047FEA2 mov rax, offset _start
LOAD:000000000047FEAC loopne loc_47FE96
LOAD:000000000047FEAE loc_47FEAE: ; CODE XREF: LOAD:loc_47FE96↑j
LOAD:000000000047FEAE in eax, 0FFh ; $!
LOAD:000000000047FEAE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:000000000047FEB0 dq 6B63616A6968FFFFh
LOAD:000000000047FEB8 db 65h, 64h, 0Ah
LOAD:000000000047FEB8 LOAD ends
So, despite IDA wrongly encoding the instruction at 000000000047FEAC it appears that the file has been successfully patched, the _start symbol leads to the following path:
public _start
_start proc near
xor ebp, ebp
mov r9, rdx ; rtld_fini
pop rsi ; argc
mov rdx, rsp ; ubp_av
push rax
push rsp ; stack_end
mov r8, offset __libc_csu_fini ; fini
mov rcx, offset __libc_csu_init ; init
mov rdi, offset main ; main
db 67h
call __libc_start_main
_start endp
This ends up calling the original main function, everything seems to be in order.
Upon further examination I found out that the instruction at 000000000047FEAE is the culprit, although I don't really understand why. This is the call instruction I used to push the address of the string onto the stack.
Why am I getting a Segmentation fault?
IDA isn't decoding it wrong, your hex string version of your machine code is wrong; one \x41
byte short so mov r64, imm64
consumes the following FF
byte as part of its immediate, instead of the opcode for jmp
. That's why it decodes at 0e e8
I noticed this by copy/pasting your C array into a .c
and compiling that into a .o
. Then I disassembled it with objdump -D -rwC -Mintel foo.o
to get objdump to disassemble the .data section. It agrees with IDA, proving IDA was right and you did make a mistake in whatever you did to translate your NASM output into a hex string. (IDK why you're bothering to do that, instead of just linking with the NASM .o
output to test it the normal way first, or what it has to do with modifying an ELF binary.)
// write syscall + jmp OEP (mov rax, addr, jmp rax). patch at 23
unsigned char shellcode[] = "\x48\x31\xc0\x48\x31\xff\x48\x31\xf6\xeb"
"\x05\x48\xb8\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41" // this is only 7 x41 bytes
objdump -D
shows 48 b8 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 ff movabs rax,0xff41414141414141
- the most significant byte of your mov
imm64 is the FF that's supposed to be the jmp
opcode. Your C string only has 7 \x41
You should also see the same thing if you disassemble within GDB on the instruction that faulted; it's probably the in
instruction which is privileged.
in registers with shellcodeThis part is easy. XOR or ADD some constant like -1
or 0x80
that makes every byte non-zero, then NOT, xor-immediate, or sub-immediate. Or pad with low garbage and right shift.
e.g. to create 3-byte 0x47fe8d
in a register, you can do
mov eax, 0x47fe8d61 ; (0x47fe8d << 8) + 'a'
shr eax, 8
Writing a 32-bit register implicitly zero-extends to 64 bits, so this leaves
RAX = 0 0 0 0 0 47 fe 8d
= 0x47fe8d
mov eax, ~0x47fe8d ; none of the bytes are FF -> none of ~x are 0
not eax ; still leaving the upper 32 bits zeroed