I am just evaluating some noSQL solutions for a current project. The different systems which caught my attention are currently
The last one is more on hold in my evaluation because they wrote
It is still a new system which has rough edges, bad error messages, and probably plenty of uncaught bugs. Let us know if you find one of these, so we can fix it.
and I am looking for a stable solution. The other thing is that I want a good Java support. For cloudDB, which is written in Erlang, there exist some client libraries and ektorp seems to be the best choice. The problem here is that it seems to me somehow, that ektorp is not so heavily used. If I look into the downloads section is has approx. 400 downloads. OK, most of the people will use it via maven dependency, but still the 400 astonished me. There is an old Stackoverflow question about couchDB Java Libraries, but this also recommends ektorp. Is the a better solution right now?
At the moment Cassandra seems for me the most stable and grown choice, but cloudDB feels so easy and neat, but it lacks somehow Java tools to access it or does it make sense to write an own client to access cloudDB?
It would be good to include Membase Server (from Couchbase, Inc.) in your list. Our engineers wrote most of the memcached and CouchDB projects and have written the spymemcached client (Java client). We have quite a bit of experience with Java in particular.
Membase Server is on a path to be upgraded with a CouchDB storage layer which will provide much better indexing/querying via map reduce as well as the wonderful synchronization that CouchDB has.
You can find more information about the technical us of the product here: http://techzone.couchbase.com/wiki/display/membase/Home
And more information about the company: http://www.couchbase.com/
Perry Sr. Solutions Architect, Couchbase Inc.