I'm trying to use OpenCV to open a camera. This works fine when I open the camera in the main thread, but when I try to open the camera while in a Boost thread, it fails. I haven't been able to google why this happens. I assume it's somehow related to the permissions of the Boost thread.
The following works fine:
#include <cv.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
void openCamera() {
Ptr< VideoCapture > capPtr(new VideoCapture(0)); // open the default camera
int main() {
And my camera turns on briefly after which I get the message "Cleaned up camera" as one would expect.
But when I try the same through a Boost thread, it doesn't open the camera:
#include <cv.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
void openCamera() {
std::cout << "confirming that openCamera() was called" << std::endl;
Ptr< VideoCapture > capPtr(new VideoCapture(0)); // open the default camera
int main() {
boost::thread trackerThread( boost::bind(openCamera) );
This prints "confirming that openCamera() was called", but the camera never turns on and there is no "Cleaned up camera" message.
Is there any way I can fix it?
I don't use boost a lot, but don't you need to do something to keep main() from exiting while your thread works? Like maybe...
int main() {
boost::thread trackerThread( boost::bind(openCamera) );