I have the following code:
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', []);
myModule.controller('newController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.id = '1234';
.component('myModalX', {
templateUrl: `./partials/locationY?id=${$scope.id}`,
controller: 'newController',
controllerAs: 'vm'
This doesn't work. How can I ensure that I can pass $scope.id
as part of the templateUrl?
Update: I figured out how to do it. I created a service that has a setter method that accepts the scope I need as a parameter, and a getter method that accesses the set variable in the service.
This way I'm able to access the variable in scope using the getter method in the service.
myModule.controller('newController', ['$scope', 'myScopeAcessingService', function($scope, myScopeAcessingService) {
$scope.id = '1234';
.component('myModalX', {
templateUrl: function(myScopeAcessingService) {
const theIdIneed = myScopeAcessingService.getValue();
return `./partials/locationY?id=${theIdIneed}`
controller: 'newController',
controllerAs: 'vm'