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Can you combine toHaveBeenCalledWith and toHaveBeenCalledTimes in Jasmine?

I am using these two separate assertions in a Jasmine unit test.


If I understand correctly these will confirm the following.

  • The function is called with expectedArgument at least once, and
  • The function is called a total of expectedCount times.

What I want to do is confirm that the function is called with expectedArgument exactly expectedCount times. In other words I want to count only the number of calls in which the argument matches.

I realize I could do my own counting with a fake...

var callCount = 0;
spyOn(myInstance, 'myFunction').and.callFake(arg => {
  if (arg === expectedArgument) {



...but that does not have the readability of the previous syntax and feels like reinventing the wheel. I have not used Jasmine all that much so I wonder if I'm missing something.

Is there a way to make my assertion using built-in Jasmine matchers? Alternatively, is there another way to obtain similarly readable syntax?


  • You can get more detailed information from the spy using calls. You can look at each call and its arguments like this:

    expect(spyFunction.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual(/* args for 1st call */)
    expect(spyFunction.calls.argsFor(1)).toEqual(/* args for 2nd call */)

    See Jasmine docs for details.