I have documents like this in a couchbase DB
"hostel": {
"city": {}
and I have this query defined in a repository
@Query("UPDATE #{#n1ql.bucket} SET hostel.state = $2 where hostel.id=$1 RETURNING #{#n1ql.bucket}.hostel ")
Hostel update(String entityId, String newState);
but when I run it I got this error:
No converter found capable of converting from type [java.util.LinkedHashMap<?, ?>] to type [com.model.Hostel]
and the Hostel type:
public class Hostel {
private @NotNull String id;
private @NotNull String city;
private JsonObject commodities;
I also tried with:
@Query("UPDATE #{#n1ql.bucket} SET hostel.state = $2 where hostel.id=$1 RETURNING #{#n1ql.bucket}.hostel ")
void update(String entityId, String newState);
but then I got the error:
org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseQueryExecutionException: Query returning a primitive type are expected to return exactly 1 result, got 0
According to Spring Data: Modifying Query
You can specify the following return types:
int (updated record count)
boolean(whether a record was updated)
In your case you have return type Hostel
what is not good if you are using SpringData
. Spring can not convert result of query execution to Hostel
Try to use one of type specified earlier