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jQuery: Drag-and-Drop within two DevExpress grids, but NOT between them

I have two DevExpress ASPxGridView in my ASP.Net webpage that each use Drag-and-Drop to sort their entries. Entries should never be dragged between the two GridViews. However, the jQuery example provided by DevExpress was for only a single GridView and does not have any code related to tracking which GridView the draggable came from. If the user drags a row from one grid to the other, it still fires an event which is leading to undefined behavior in my C# code behind (because I only receive the indices of the two rows and therefore can't verify that they came from the same GridView).

Currently the jQuery distinguishes between the two via a CSS class, "stc" on one and "ptc" on the other. In the ASCX file for the first grid:

<script type="text/javascript">
function stc_InitalizejQuery() {
        addClasses: false,
        helper: 'original',
        start: function (event, ui) {
            var $draggingElement = $(ui.helper);
        activeClass: "hover",
        tolerance: "intersect",
        hoverClass: "activeHover",
        drop: function (event, ui) {
            var draggingSortIndex = ui.draggable.attr("SortRank");
            var targetSortIndex = $(this).attr("SortRank");
            AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvStringTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);


    <Row CssClass="draggable stc"></Row>

And the second one is identical except that ".stc"->".ptc" and "gvStringTypes"->"gvPointTypes":

<script type="text/javascript">
function ptc_InitalizejQuery() {
        addClasses: false,
        helper: 'original',
        start: function (ev, ui) {
            var $draggingElement = $(ui.helper);
        activeClass: "hover",
        tolerance: "intersect",
        hoverClass: "activeHover",
        drop: function (event, ui) {
            var draggingSortIndex = ui.draggable.attr("SortRank");
            var targetSortIndex = $(this).attr("SortRank");
            AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvPointTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);


    <Row CssClass="draggable ptc"></Row>

How do I customize the jQuery to not fire AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction if the row is dropped on a different GridView than it was dragged from?

(Additionally, is it possible to condense these two jQuery scripts into one script that works for both grids?)


  • The following condition does the trick:

                if (ui.draggable.hasClass('stc')) {
                    AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvStringTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);