I have two DevExpress ASPxGridView in my ASP.Net webpage that each use Drag-and-Drop to sort their entries. Entries should never be dragged between the two GridViews. However, the jQuery example provided by DevExpress was for only a single GridView and does not have any code related to tracking which GridView the draggable came from. If the user drags a row from one grid to the other, it still fires an event which is leading to undefined behavior in my C# code behind (because I only receive the indices of the two rows and therefore can't verify that they came from the same GridView).
Currently the jQuery distinguishes between the two via a CSS class, "stc" on one and "ptc" on the other. In the ASCX file for the first grid:
<script type="text/javascript">
function stc_InitalizejQuery() {
addClasses: false,
helper: 'original',
start: function (event, ui) {
var $draggingElement = $(ui.helper);
activeClass: "hover",
tolerance: "intersect",
hoverClass: "activeHover",
drop: function (event, ui) {
var draggingSortIndex = ui.draggable.attr("SortRank");
var targetSortIndex = $(this).attr("SortRank");
AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvStringTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);
<Row CssClass="draggable stc"></Row>
And the second one is identical except that ".stc"->".ptc" and "gvStringTypes"->"gvPointTypes":
<script type="text/javascript">
function ptc_InitalizejQuery() {
addClasses: false,
helper: 'original',
start: function (ev, ui) {
var $draggingElement = $(ui.helper);
activeClass: "hover",
tolerance: "intersect",
hoverClass: "activeHover",
drop: function (event, ui) {
var draggingSortIndex = ui.draggable.attr("SortRank");
var targetSortIndex = $(this).attr("SortRank");
AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvPointTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);
<Row CssClass="draggable ptc"></Row>
How do I customize the jQuery to not fire AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction if the row is dropped on a different GridView than it was dragged from?
(Additionally, is it possible to condense these two jQuery scripts into one script that works for both grids?)
The following condition does the trick:
if (ui.draggable.hasClass('stc')) {
AutoDimDefinitionControl_MakeAction(gvStringTypes, "DRAGROW|" + draggingSortIndex + '|' + targetSortIndex);