I'm trying to read/copy a certain part of a xml document in JAVA and then save this part as a new xml document. So like in de example below you see studentinfo and contact info, I just want to select studentinfo and copy the entire area so nodes and elements. I can only find info about selecting only the element or only the nodes.
So help would be appreciated, thank you.
<name>Student Name<name>
<address>somewhere 1<address>
I'm going to make a big assumption, and that is that you are using the org.w3c.dom.Document
This is a two step process:
Document doc = parse(xmlSource);
Document targetDoc = openTargetDoc();
Node copyTo = findWhereYouWantToCopyStuffTo(targetDoc);
// Find the node or nodes to want to copy.. could use XPath or some other search
NodeList studentinfoList = doc.getElementsByTagName("studentinfo");
// for each found... make a copy (via importNode) and attach to some point in the target doc
for( int i = 0; i < studnetinfoList.getLength(); i ++ ){
Node n = studentinfoList.item(i);
Node copyOfn = targetDoc.importNode(n,true);
If this isn't what you are looking for, you might need to add a bit more detail of what you wish to copy and where to, using what api etc.