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C++ Library & Self registering classes: Factory map empty in client application

Let there be a C++ library (let's call it lib) which gets included as a static library in an application (let's call it app). Within the lib there's a base class node. Each subclass of a node is identified by a UUID. I employ a self registering pattern to ensure that new classes register themselves at the factory. The factory allows to build a node subclass object based on the provided UUID. The app builds objects through the lib's factory::build() function.

My factory is based on the code of this brilliant blog post.

I've adapted this code to use a UUID (using boost.uuid) instead of a string as all the classes being created need a UUID assigned by them anyway (for external dependency reasons).

The problem I am hitting is that if I do not "manually" create an object instance of each node_template subclass (i.e. A and B), the factory::m_generators map is empty. This is of course due to the fact that the various node-subclasses were never instantiated and therefore never registered themselves.

Here's my runnable minimum example (live demo at coliru):

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/string_generator.hpp>

class node;

 * @brief The factory class to build @p node items.
class factory
    using key_type  = boost::uuids::uuid;
    using key_hash  = boost::hash<key_type>;
    using generator = std::function<std::unique_ptr<node>()>;

    template<typename Derived>
    struct registrar
        registrar(const key_type& key)
            factory::instance().register_generator(key, [](){
                return std::make_unique<Derived>();

        registrar(const std::string& uuid_string)
            try {
                boost::uuids::string_generator gen;
            } catch (...) {

    static factory& instance() noexcept
        static factory f;
        return f;

    bool register_generator(const key_type& key, generator&& generator)
        auto [it, emplaced] = m_generators.try_emplace(key, std::move(generator));
        return emplaced;

    [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<node> build(const key_type& key) const
        if (const auto& it = m_generators.find(key); it not_eq m_generators.cend())
            return it->second();
        return nullptr;

    [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<node> build(const char* uuid_string) const noexcept
        try {
            boost::uuids::string_generator gen;
            return build(gen(uuid_string));
        } catch (...) {
            return nullptr;

    std::unordered_map<key_type, generator, key_hash> m_generators;

    factory() = default;
    factory(const factory& other) = default;
    factory(factory&& other) = default;
    virtual ~factory() = default;

 * @brief The node base class.
struct node
    node(const std::string& uuid_string) :

    [[nodiscard]] const std::string& uuid_string() const noexcept {
        return m_uuid_string;

    std::string m_uuid_string;

 * @brief A template for @p node subclasses.
template <class derived>
struct node_template :
    node_template(const std::string& uuid_string) :

struct A : node_template<A> {
    A() : node_template("63cb8eeb-b90b-46c7-aaa8-3a349fcba3c5") { }

struct B : node_template<B> {
    B() : node_template("1f24abfc-936f-4524-ae3b-cc346335ecbb") { }

static void build_and_print(const std::string& uuid_string)
    if (auto node = factory::instance().build(uuid_string.c_str()); node)
        std::cout << "node.uuid_string() = " << node->uuid_string() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Cannot build node object: Unknown UUID." << std::endl;

int main(void)
    /// PROBLEM: If I do not construct these objects, they never register themselves at the factory. ///
#if 1
    A a;
    B b;

    // A

    // B

    // Unknown UUID

    return 0;

As long as I keep the object instantiations in line 136 and 137 I am able to build further objects through the factory. But once I remove then (eg. change line 135 to #if 0) the factory generators map is empty.

I think that I understand the problem as in that the class never gets to register itself as there's never an object being constructed. However, I am not sure how to fix the problem.

Currently there's a very ugly header file in lib which gets included by app. The header creates a dummy object of each class. This is of course anything but nice and also kind of defeats the entire purpose of a self registering class.

What am I missing here?


  • From the blog post, you are missing the static member registered (also called "// The really fun part"). Having and instantiating such a static variable in the base class forces it to be instantiated in all derived classes and this will register the class as a side effect.

    EDIT: There is another very small but very important piece of code in the blog post:

        Registrar() : Base(Key{}) { (void)registered; }

    This will ensure that registered is used. Because a static variable is only instantiated the first time it is used, otherwise the function is not called.

    In your case, adding the following to node_template should work:

    template <class derived>
    struct node_template :
        node_template(const std::string& uuid_string) :
            (void) registered;
        static bool do_register() {
            derived d; // I am not sure if one should in some way force this to not be optimized away.
            return true;
        inline static bool registered = do_register();