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Whats the difference between newSlot and setSlot in the Io Language?

In the Io Language, there are 2 methods for creating slots: newSlot and setSlot. Both seem to have similar behavior except newSlot also creates a setter. What cases are there for a needing a setter to be created at the same time as slot creation? What exactly is the purpose of the setter anyway?


  • I believe its a convenience which provides good coding practises. Thus if you want to expose an objects attribute then newSlot or its synonym ::= are the preferred way to go.

    newSlot can make things look nicer. For eg.

    Animal := Object clone do (
        legs ::= nil    // creates leg slot  & setLegs() setter
        tail ::= nil    // creates tail slot & setTail() setter
    // I think below is more aesthetic 
    Cat := Animal clone setLegs(4) setTail(1)
    // compared to this
    Dog := Animal clone do (legs = 4; tail = 1)

    And also it can get around do() context. For eg.

    Pet := Animal clone do (
        name ::= nil
    myPetCats := list("Ambrose", "Fluffy", "Whiskers") map (petName,
        Pet clone do (name = petName)   // throws exception

    The Pet clone do (name = petName) will die throwing Exception: Pet does not respond to 'petName' because do() is interpreted within the cloned Pet context and so it cannot see petName.

    So instead you need to use the setter:

    myPetCats := list("Ambrose", "Fluffy", "Whiskers") map (petName,
        Pet clone setName(petName)