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How to create MSForms ListBox in Worksheet using VBA?

I'm trying to create a list box of the type MSForms.ListBox programmatically using VBA.

I can't do it with Set ListBox = New MSForms.ListBox because it throws the compile error: Invalid use of the New keyword.

In the code below when I create an OLEObject in Macro1 it creates VBAProject.Sheet1.ListBox1 (or other number) which I can then (after execution has ended) assign in Macro2 to a variable of type MSForms.ListBox but it only works if I run one macro at a time.

With a MSForms.ListBox I can then change properties like ListBox.ColumnHeads = True (even though I don't know how to change the head value other than addressing the list values to a range with ListBox.ListFillRange = RangeAddress).

If I try to execute the code step by step I get the message Can't enter break mode at this time.

I got OLEObject from recording a macro and inserting a List Box ActiveX Control.

' Microsoft Excel 2013 built-in references:
' Excel - Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library
' VBA - Visual Basic For Applications

' VBA project library:
' VBAProject

' Aditional references:
' MSForms - Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

Private Sub Macro1()

  Dim Worksheet As Excel.Worksheet
  Dim ListBox As Excel.ListBox
  Dim Shape As Excel.Shape
  Dim OLEObject As Excel.OLEObject

  Set Worksheet = VBAProject.Sheet1
  Worksheet.Range("A1").Value = "Header"
  Worksheet.Range("A2").Value = "Value 1"
  Worksheet.Range("A3").Value = "Value 2"
  Worksheet.Range("A4").Value = "Value 3"

  For Each Shape In Worksheet.Shapes
  Next Shape

  Set ListBox = Worksheet.ListBoxes.Add(60, 10, 100, 100)
  ListBox.List = Array("Header", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3")
  ListBox.ListFillRange = "A1:A4"

  Set OLEObject = Worksheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ListBox.1", Link:=False, Left:=170, Top:=10, Width:=100, Height:=100)
  OLEObject.ListFillRange = "A1:A4"

  Set Shape = Worksheet.Shapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType:="Forms.ListBox.1", Link:=False, Left:=280, Top:=10, Width:=100, Height:=100)

End Sub

Private Sub Macro2()

  Dim Worksheet As Excel.Worksheet
  Dim ListBox As MSForms.ListBox

  Set Worksheet = Excel.Application.ActiveSheet

  Set ListBox = VBAProject.Sheet1.ListBox1
  ListBox.ListFillRange = ""
  ListBox.List = Array("Header", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3")
  ListBox.ColumnHeads = True
  ListBox.ListFillRange = "A1:A4"
  ListBox.BorderStyle = MSForms.fmBorderStyle.fmBorderStyleSingle

End Sub


Simple working example using the solution given in the accepted answer:

Private Function CreateListBox( _
  Optional ByVal Worksheet As Excel.Worksheet = Nothing, _
  Optional ByVal Width As Long = 100, _
  Optional ByVal Height As Long = 100, _
  Optional ByVal Left As Long = 0, _
  Optional ByVal Top As Long = 0 _
  ) As MSForms.ListBox

  Const ClassType As String = "Forms.ListBox.1"

  If Worksheet Is Nothing Then
    Set Worksheet = Excel.Application.ActiveSheet
  End If

  Set CreateListBox = Worksheet.OLEObjects.Add( _
    ClassType, _
    Left:=Left, _
    Top:=Top, _
    Width:=Width, _

End Function

Private Sub Test()

  Dim ListBox As MSForms.ListBox

  Set ListBox = CreateListBox
  Stop ' Able to stop/suspend code execution here but not inside the function when creating the OLEObject

End Sub


  • When you press . within the With lb...End With code block, you will see that the intellisense does not reveal certain properties for example .ColumnHeads, .BorderStyle or .List. You can access those properties by prefixing it with .Object

    Is this what you are trying?

    Sub Sample()
        Dim lb As OLEObject
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = Sheet1
        For Each lb In ws.OLEObjects
        Next lb
        Set lb = ws.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ListBox.1", _
                                   Top:=60, _
                                   Left:=10, _
                                   Height:=100, _
        With lb
            .ListFillRange = "'" & ws.Name & "'!A1:A16" '<~~ Change range here
            '.Object.List = Array("Header", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3")
            .Object.ColumnHeads = True
            .Object.BorderStyle = MSForms.fmBorderStyle.fmBorderStyleSingle
        End With
    End Sub

    In Action

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