Is there a way to open Razor component in Visual Studio with environment with dual screens . I'll love to have markup on one screen and @code {}
section on other. While MVC developing usually markup is on one screen while JS is on other. Switching to Blazor C# replaces JS,But my mind is still mapped to read markup from one while is code on other.
Can we create component with code separated from markp but still connected.
You can use the code behind with a partial class
<h1>Thi is a component @Title</h1>
public partial class MyComponent
public string Title { get; set; }
This is a 3.1 future, before 3.1 you cannot use
partial class
be inherits from class deriving fromMicrosoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponenBase
@inherits MyComponentModel
<h1>Thi is a component @Title</h1>
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
public class MyComponentModel : ComponentBase
public string Title { get; set; }