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How to parse json file data as request parameter in RestSharp?

I am using RestSharp along with C# Xnuit to automate API testing.

Currently i am creating string for request parameters as below.

string jsonString = @"{""customerName"": ""George Smith"", ""date"": ""2019-12-04""}";
var restRequest = restAPI.CreatePostRequest(jsonString);

Now instead of this i want create separate testdata.json file to add request parameters and use that file to create request. How to do so?


  • I would suggest that you create a folder that is supposed to hold test data and then retrieve the file and read it into a string.

    The LocateScriptsFolder starts at the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory and keeps walking up the path until it locates the script folder.

        public static DirectoryInfo LocateScriptsFolder(string baseDir)
            var parent = Directory.GetParent(baseDir);
            if (parent.GetDirectories("DataFolder").Any())
                return parent.GetDirectories("DataFolder").First();
            return LocateScriptsFolder(parent.FullName);
        var baseDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
        var scripts = LocateScriptsFolder(baseDir);
        var json = File.ReadAllText(script.FullName);