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Problem with RabbitMQ Direct reply-to with Spring

I'm working on an apllication that sends message to as server, then given message is modified and sent back to the amq.rabbitmq.reply-to queue using Direct Reply-to . I've followed the the tutorial but I have some problems to implement it. In my case as I've understood I need to consume message from pseudo-queue amq.rabbitmq.reply-to in no-ack mode, Which in my case is MessageListenerContainer. Here's my config:

    public Jackson2JsonMessageConverter messageConverter() {    
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter(mapper);

    public RabbitAdmin rabbitAdmin(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory);

    public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
        return rabbitTemplate;

    MessageListenerContainer messageListenerContainer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory ) {       
        DirectMessageListenerContainer directMessageListenerContainer = new DirectMessageListenerContainer();
        directMessageListenerContainer.setMessageListener(new PracticalMessageListener());
        return directMessageListenerContainer;


Message is sent as JSON through the SEND frame on STOM protocol and converted. Then a new queue
is created dynamically and added to the MessageListenerContainer. So when the message arrives in the broker, I would like to modify it on the server side and send back to amq.rabbitmq.reply-to and original message to be sent to routing key messageTemp.getTo() which is subscribed on the SUBSCRIBE frame in STOMP.

  public void send2(MessageTemplate messageTemp) throws Exception {
      MessageTemplate privateMessage = new MessageTemplate(messageTemp.getPerson(),

     AbstractMessageListenerContainer abstractMessageListenerContainer =
              (AbstractMessageListenerContainer) mlc;

       // here's the queue added to listener container   

      MessageProperties mp = new MessageProperties();

      Jackson2JsonMessageConverter smc = new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
      Message message = smc.toMessage(messageTemp, mp);

              messageTemp.getTo() , message);

Message is modified onMessage method when message sent to messageTemp.getTo() routing key

public class PracticalMessageListener implements MessageListener {

    RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        System.out.println(("message listener.."));
        String body = "{ \"processing\": \"123456789\"}";
       MessageProperties properties = new MessageProperties();

       // some business logic on the message body

        Message responseMessage = new Message(body.getBytes(), properties);

                message.getMessageProperties().getReplyTo(), responseMessage);

I may misunderstand the concept of direct-reply and the documentation that says:

Consume from the pseudo-queue amq.rabbitmq.reply-to in no-ack mode. There is no need to declare this "queue" first, although the client can do so if it wants.

The question is where I need to consume from that queue? And how Can I access that modified message if I'm getting error:

2020-01-15 22:17:09.688  WARN 96222 --- [pool-1-thread-5] s.a.r.l.ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler : Execution of Rabbit message listener failed. Listener threw exception
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.patrykmaryn.spring.second.PracticalMessageListener.onMessage( ~[classes/:na]

Which is coming from the place when I invoke rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend in PracticalMessageListener


I got rid of setting amq.rabbitmq.reply-to in the DirectMessageListenerContainer and implemented DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer:

    DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer drtmlc (ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer drtmlc =
                new DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
        drtmlc.setMessageListener(new DirectMessageListener());
        return drtmlc;

The problem must be in onMessage method that doesn't allow to invoke any send method on rabbitTemplate, I've tried with different existing routing keys and exchanges. The listening is coming from queue defined with routing key messageTemp.getTo().

    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        System.out.println(("message listener.."));

        String receivedRoutingKey = message.getMessageProperties()
        System.out.println(" This is received routingkey: " + 

           /// ..... rest of code goes here


Where messageTemp.getTo() is routing key defined at runtime, by selecting a receiver e.g if i select 'user1' it will print out 'user1'.

That's the first attempt to send message:

2020-01-16 02:22:20.213 DEBUG 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] .WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler : Searching methods to handle SEND /app/private session=45yca5sy, lookupDestination='/private'
2020-01-16 02:22:20.214 DEBUG 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] .WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler : Invoking PracticalTipSender#send2[1 args]
2020-01-16 02:22:20.239  INFO 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] o.s.a.r.l.DirectMessageListenerContainer : SimpleConsumer [queue=user1, consumerTag=amq.ctag-Evyiweew4C-K1mXmy2XqUQ identity=57b19488] started
2020-01-16 02:22:20.268  INFO 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler          : Initializing ExecutorService
2020-01-16 02:22:20.269  INFO 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] .l.DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer : Container initialized for queues: [amq.rabbitmq.reply-to]
2020-01-16 02:22:20.286  INFO 28490 --- [nboundChannel-6] .l.DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer : SimpleConsumer [queue=amq.rabbitmq.reply-to, consumerTag=amq.ctag-IXWf-zEyI34xzQSSfbijzg identity=4bedbba5] started

And second that fails:

2020-01-16 02:23:20.247 DEBUG 28490 --- [nboundChannel-3] .WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler : Searching methods to handle SEND /app/private session=45yca5sy, lookupDestination='/private'
2020-01-16 02:23:20.248 DEBUG 28490 --- [nboundChannel-3] .WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler : Invoking PracticalTipSender#send2[1 args]
2020-01-16 02:23:20.248  WARN 28490 --- [nboundChannel-3] o.s.a.r.l.DirectMessageListenerContainer : Queue user1 is already configured for this container: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.DirectMessageListenerContainer@3b152928, ignoring add
2020-01-16 02:23:20.250  WARN 28490 --- [nboundChannel-3] o.s.a.r.l.DirectMessageListenerContainer : Queue user1 is already configured for this container: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.DirectMessageListenerContainer@3b152928, ignoring add
message listener..
 This is received routingkey: user1
2020-01-16 02:23:20.271  WARN 28490 --- [pool-1-thread-5] s.a.r.l.ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler : Execution of Rabbit message listener failed. Listener threw exception


Putting DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer in a separate class and setting its MessageListener as a @Bean and also directMessageListenerContainer.setMessageListener(practicalMessageListener()); as @Bean seemed to get rid of NPE. But still even the reply goes to amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.g2dkABVyYWJ..... it doesn't seem to be listened in the DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer drtmlc.

class DirectMessageListener implements MessageListener {
    // This doesn't get invoked...
    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        System.out.println("direct reply message sent..");


class ReplyListener {

    public DirectMessageListener directMessageListener() {
        return new DirectMessageListener(); 

    DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer drtmlc (ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer drtmlc =
                new DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
        return drtmlc;


  • Yes, you have mis-understood the feature.

    Each channel gets its own pseudo queue; you can only receive from that same channel so a general message listener container won't hack it.


    You simply can't do that.

    The framework already supports direct reply-to directly, internally in the RabbitTemplate. The RabbitTemplate has its own DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer which maintains a pool of channels.

    Each request checks out a channel and the reply is returned there and then the channel is returned to the pool for reuse by another request.

    Use RabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(); the default behavior (in recent versions) will automatically use direct reply-to.


    Why not let the framework do all the heavy lifting and you just concentrate on your business logic:

    public class So59760805Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);
        public SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory cf) {
            SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(cf);
            container.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerAdapter(new MyListener()));
            return container;
        public MyExtendedTemplate template(ConnectionFactory cf) {
            return new MyExtendedTemplate(cf);
        public ApplicationRunner runner(RabbitTemplate template) {
            return args -> System.out.println(template.convertSendAndReceive("", "foo", "test"));
    class MyListener {
        public String handleMessage(String in) {
            return in.toUpperCase();
    class MyExtendedTemplate extends RabbitTemplate {
        MyExtendedTemplate(ConnectionFactory cf) {
        public void onMessage(Message message) {
            System.out.println("Response received (before conversion): " + message);

    The rabbit template uses direct reply-to (internally) by default.

    Response received (before conversion): (Body:'TEST' MessageProperties [headers={}, correlationId=1, ...receivedRoutingKey=amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.g2dkAA5yYWJiaXRAZ29sbHVtMgAAeE0AAADmAw==.RQ/uxjR79PX/hZF+7iAdWw==, ...