I am able to upload files at the default location.
.setBodyLimit(500 * KB)
This body handler puts file in file-uploads. This is the code that uploads files:
public void createNewItem(RoutingContext context) {
var request = context.request();
var type = context.request().getFormAttribute("type");
// other code...
for(var f : context.fileUploads()) {
These are the files I have uploaded.
The file-uploads folder is at the root of my project, it's been automatically created. How do I reach the content of that folder to show the images in my html pages?
It's weird also, they have no extension...
Vert.x can serve static content with the static handler:
The static handler webroot
can be configured to point to your file uploads directory.
Yet I would recommend to consider security carefully if you are working on a public service with private data: if you expose the content of this directory without any protection, malicious users could try to download arbitrary content.