I've been having issues with the following snippet of code when working with my addin:
doc.LoadFamilySymbol(@"[filepath here]", "[filename here]", out FamilySymbol symbol);
doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(mid, symbol, d, GetLevelInformation(d), StructuralType.NonStructural);
As far as I can tell while debugging, the FamilySymbol
variable symbol is null after I pass the first line. mid
, d
, and GetLevelInformation
all work and contain the expected values, so I suspect the problem lies within the first line.
Figured I'd update this thread for those with similar problems since I did end up solving my issue. The answer was that I was attempting to load a Family using the Name parameter while what I was really looking for was a FamilyName parameter.
The fix for this was changing x.Name to x.FamilyName as seen below:
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
FamilySymbol symbol = collector.OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol))
.First(x => x.FamilyName == "[Family Name]");
There is a difference! Thanks for the responses, Jeremy.