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Restrictions for input type=text

Could someone help me with restrictions for input text?

<input type = text size = 18 name = part_numb value = '' pattern = '([A-NP-Z0-9 -]). {0,50}' id = 'part_numb' required>

In this case, it's not working.

My restrictions are:

  1. The value can't content letter "O", auto-replacement with number "0"

  2. The value can't content small letters, only Capital. (auto-replacement)

  3. The value can't content special symbols except "-" but the value can't start or finish with "-" (auto-removal)

  4. The value can't content free spaces. (auto-removal)

5.  This input is required.

  1. The symbols have to be "A-N", "P-Z", "0-9", "-" 

I thinks that have to use "onChange", but I am not sure.

Please excuse me if this topic is not for here.

Thanks in advance.


  • Ok. Thats the correct answer:

     <script src="../../js/2.1.1.js"></script>
    print"<tr><td>PN:</td><td><input type=text size=18 name='pn' class='validate-field' id='pn' value='$pn'></td></tr>";
    <script type="text/javascript">
        const replacer = (val) => {
            if ((/[O]/g).test(val)) {
                val = val.replace(/[O]/g, '0');
            } else if ((/^[-]/g).test(val)) {
                val = val.replace(/[-]/g, '');
            } else if ((/[^\w-]/g).test(val)) {
                val = val.replace(/[^\w-]/g, '');
            return val;
        $(":text.validate-field").on("keyup change paste", function() {
            this.value = this.value.toUpperCase();
            (/^[A-NP-Z0-9][A-NP-Z0-9-]+[A-NP-Z0-9-]$/g).test(this.value) ? this.value : this.value = replacer(this.value);
        $(":text.validate-field").on("blur", function() {
            (/[-]$/g).test(this.value) ? this.value = this.value.replace(/[-]$/g, '') : null;

    It works properly