this will be a little difficult to illustrate since the code is separated between several classes but I can't figure it out myself.
This code is supposed to first print "This list is empty." and then print each word within stringData in a single line:
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
LinkedList_1 list1 = new LinkedList_1(null);
String stringData = "Harrier Ken Klaasje Titus Evrart Manaaba Cindy Eyckhead";
String[] data = stringData.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < (data.length); i++) {
list1.addItem(new Node(data[i]));
The code prints "This list is empty." once and then seemingly never reaches the second print out line but there is no exception, notification, anything. I suspect that the problem hides in list1.addItem, which looks like this(the comments were only meant for myself):
public boolean addItem(ListItem newItem)
if (this.root == null) { // If no other item on list, newItem = first item on list
this.root = newItem;
return true;
ListItem current = this.root; // current = first item on list
while (current != null) { // As long as current exists, do
int comparison = (current.CompareTo(newItem)); // Alphabetically compares newItem and current. >0 = newItem comes AFTER current. <0 = newItem comes BEFORE current. 0 = newItem and current are identical.
// ........................................................................................................
if (comparison < 0) { // newItem should be inserted AFTER current
if (current.getNext() != null) { // If the list contains another item after current, then
current = current.getNext(); // current becomes next item in list.
// outcome AFTER-NOT LAST YET is completed and the while loop will repeat until newItem is either last or no longer comes after
} else { // if current is only item on list, then
current.setNextItem(newItem); // newItem comes after current
newItem.setPreviousItem(current); // current comes before after
return true; // outcome AFTER-LAST completed ---> drop out of the method/loop
} // ........................................................................................................
} else if (comparison > 0) { // newItem comes BEFORE current
if (current.getPrevious() != null) { // if current is not first in list, then
current.getPrevious().setNextItem(newItem); // newItem comes after item that comes before new item (1. previous 2. newItem)
newItem.setPreviousItem(current.getPrevious()); // previous comes before newItem
newItem.setNextItem(current); // current comes after newItem (1.previous 2. newItem 3. current)
current.setPreviousItem(newItem); // newItem comes before current
// outcome BEFORE-NOT FIRST YET is completed and the while loop will repeat until newItem is either first or no longer comes before
} else { // if current is first in list
newItem.setNextItem(this.root); // newItem comes before root (=current)
this.root.setPreviousItem(newItem); // root (=current) comes after newItem
this.root = newItem; // newItem is now root
return true; // outcome BEFORE-FIRST completed ---> drop out of the method/loop
}// ........................................................................................................
} else { // curent == newItem. As a duplicate, newItem is not added to the list
System.out.println(newItem.getValue() + " is already part of the List.class Duplicate not added.");
return false; // drop out of the method/loop without adding newItem to the list
} }
return false; // drop out of the loop without adding newItem to the list (how you would ever get here I don't know
Now maybe someone can already spot a problem or maybe its located in one of the other classes. Since I don't want to paste the whole code (although it's a rather short training program) into a new thread, maybe you could tell me which information is missing to understand the issue and I add or remove specific pieces?
In any case, thanks in advance for your help.
On second thought, let me add what .printList does right away.
public void printList(ListItem root)
if (root == null) {
System.out.println("This list is empty.");
} else {
while (root != null) {
root = root.getNext();
ListItem class:
public abstract class ListItem
protected ListItem previousItem = null;
protected ListItem nextItem = null;
protected Object value;
public ListItem(Object value) {
this.value = value;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Object value) {
this.value = value;
abstract ListItem getNext();
abstract ListItem getPrevious();
abstract void setNextItem(ListItem n);
abstract void setPreviousItem(ListItem p);
abstract int CompareTo(ListItem item);
Node class:
public class Node extends ListItem
public Node(Object value) {
ListItem getNext() {
return this.nextItem;
ListItem getPrevious() {
return this.previousItem;
void setNextItem(ListItem n) {
this.nextItem = n;
void setPreviousItem(ListItem p) {
this.previousItem = p;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
int CompareTo(ListItem item)
if (item != null) {
return ((String)super.getValue()).compareTo((String)item.getValue());
} else {
return -1;
You forgot to return in one case which is why it is going in infinite loop.
if (comparison > 0) { // newItem comes BEFORE current
if (current.getPrevious() != null) {
// return when element is added successfully