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How to manipulate a HTML-Webresource in Dynamics CRM

I have a webresource for Dynamics CRM. The project will be uploaded to the AppSource. It consists of a .html- and a .js-file. If I try to get the elements of the .html-file with document.getElementById in the .js-file, I get the error message, that DOM-Operations are not supported.

How do I manipulate my .html-file with a .js-file?

How do I register a click-event?

I hope you can help me there.


I just solved the first question:

To access a DOM-Element I needed to use this code:


But how do I register Events on the elements?


I tried to register the events like this:

element.ondragenter = function() {...}

and like this:

element.addEventListener("change", function() {...})

Both lines get the same error:

'element.onclick = functionName' registers or unregisters handles to a document object model (DOM) event of a model-driven app. This technique is unsupported in all versions of Dynamics 365 and PowerApps and should be replaced with a supported approach for registering client-side event handlers.


I found the solution for the event registration (see my own answer). Now I have the problem, that I use a FileReader in my .js-script, which uses the onloadend and onerror events. And of course crm does not let me register the events in the file because of the error above.


  • The solution was to register the events from .html and not from .js.

     <div class="DropArea" id="DropArea" ondrop="OnDrop(event)">